موقعك الحالي:صفحة رئيسية>المنتجات
2000-12-15 We have measured compressional wave velocity ( VP) in talc as a function of temperature at 0.5 GPa. VP falls from 5.27±0.23 km s −1 at 25°C to 4.35±0.15 km s −1 at 800°C. Combining these results with a previously published bulk modulus ( K) and δ K /δ P, gives a Poisson’s ratio ( ν) of 0.268 and a shear modulus ( G) of 22.6 GPa under atmospheric ...
Read MoreOSTI.GOV Technical Report: Modulus of elasticity of a rock determined by four different methods. Modulus of elasticity of a rock determined by four different methods. Full Record; Other Related Research; Authors: Cannaday, F X Publication Date: Sat Feb 01 00:00:00 EST 1964
Read More2016-9-1 Abstract. In rock engineering projects, statically determined parameters are more reflective of actual load conditions than dynamic parameters. This study reports a new and efficient approach to the formulation of the static modulus of elasticity applying gene expression programming (GEP) with nondestructive testing (NDT) methods. The results obtained using GEP are compared with the results
Read More2015-2-13 Poisson’s Ratio of Rock. Poisson’s ratio measures the ratio of lateral strain to axial strain at linearly elastic region. For most rocks, the value of Poisson’s ratio ranges in between 0.15 to 0.40. Typical values of modulus of elasticity
Read More2012-3-10 The modulus of elasticity of intact rock (E i) is an important rock property that is used as an input parameter in the design stage of engineering projects such as dams, slopes, foundations, tunnel constructions and mining excavations. However, it is sometimes difficult to determine the modulus of elasticity in laboratory tests because high-quality cores are required.
Read More2017-1-1 Keywords: "rock mechanics, Young's modulus; laboratory rock tests; range of elasticity" The elastic behaviour of rocks and the range of their elasticity are of crucial importance in rock engineering. In solving problems in mining engineering or tunnelling, the change of stress fields forced by an excavation drivage first depends on the elastic ...
Read More2006-2-21 Dynamic Young's modulus, E = 35.44 GPa
Read More2015-10-23 • 6 stiffness classes (Table 7.4): based on modulus of elasticity E t50; ‘very stiff’ to ‘highly yielding’ Engineering Classification of Rock and Rock Masses! 33!! Determining the modulus of elasticity E t50! Plotting E t50 value of a rock vs the unconfined compressive strength gives a
Read MoreCorpus ID: 59123264. Estimating the modulus of elasticity of the rock material from compressive strength and unit weight @article{Ocak2008EstimatingTM, title={Estimating the modulus of elasticity of the rock material from compressive strength and unit weight}, author={I. Ocak}, journal={Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy}, year={2008}, volume={108}, pages={621-626} }
Read MoreDetermination of Young’s Modulus by Specific Vibration of. The elasticity is an important parameter for the evaluation of the mechanical behavior of a rock mass and a fundamental factor in the definition of the resistance characteristics, stability, and blastability in rock blasts, and it is an important parameter for the blastability equations like the Kuz–Ram method.
Read More2000-12-15 We have measured compressional wave velocity (V P) in talc as a function of temperature at 0.5 GPa.V P falls from 5.27±0.23 km s −1 at 25°C to 4.35±0.15 km s −1 at 800°C. Combining these results with a previously published bulk modulus (K) and δK/δP, gives a Poisson’s ratio (ν) of 0.268 and a shear modulus (G) of 22.6 GPa under atmospheric conditions.
Read More2011-3-11 Modulus of elasticity of a rock mass ( Eem ): The ratio of stress (p) to corresponding strain during loading of a rock mass, including only the elastic behaviour (we), see Figure 1. 4 3 2 1 0 5 0.5 1 1. 52 2. MEASURED DEFORMATION (cm) A PP L I E D S T R E S S (M P a) w w e d p
Read More2017-1-1 Keywords: "rock mechanics, Young's modulus; laboratory rock tests; range of elasticity" The elastic behaviour of rocks and the range of their elasticity are of crucial importance in rock engineering. In solving problems in mining engineering or tunnelling, the change of stress fields forced by an excavation drivage first depends on the elastic ...
Read MoreCorpus ID: 59123264. Estimating the modulus of elasticity of the rock material from compressive strength and unit weight @article{Ocak2008EstimatingTM, title={Estimating the modulus of elasticity of the rock material from compressive strength and unit weight}, author={I. Ocak}, journal={Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy}, year={2008}, volume={108}, pages={621-626} }
Read MoreThe purpose of this study is developing of a model for estimation of elastic modulus of intact rocks. Mechanical rock excavation projects require static modulus of elasticity (E) of the intact rock material. High-quality core specimens of proper geometry are nedded for the direct determination of this parameter. However, it is not always possible to obtain suitable specimens from highly ...
Read More2018-1-1 The stress-strain curve for axial deformations is the best way to test rock elasticity and to determine the elastic modulus (Young’s modulus). The International Society of Rock Mechanics suggests three standard methods for its determination. They are as follows (Brady Brown, 2006; Ulusay Hudson, 2007): •
Read MoreConsidering rock wrapped by soil in the mesoscopic structure of soil-rock mixture at normal temperature, a two-layer embedded model of single inclusion composite material was established to obtain the elastic modulus of soil-rock mixture. Given an interface ice interlayer attached between the soil and rock interface in the mesoscopic structure of soil-rock mixture at freezing temperature, a ...
Read MoreMODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF A ROCK OBTAINED FROM THE MODULI OF ELASTICITY OF ITS CONSTITUENTS. Studies (based on two examples) show that close agreement exists between the modulus of elasticity given by the weighted harmonic mean calculated from the moduli of elasticity of the mineral constituents of the rock (the weights being the percentages in which the menerals occur).
Read MoreThe modulus of elasticity of rock material Ei is an important rock property that is used as an input parameter in the design stage of engineering projects such as dam and tunnel constructions. 3558; Lectures On Rock Mechanicslectures On Rock Mechanics.
Read More2015-2-13 Intact rock strength . The uniaxial compressive strength of a rock material constitutes the highest strength limit of the rock mass of which it forms a part. It is determined in accordance with the standard laboratory procedures. For the purpose of rock mass classification, the use of the well -known point load strength index can be useful as the
Read More2015-10-23 • 6 stiffness classes (Table 7.4): based on modulus of elasticity E t50; ‘very stiff’ to ‘highly yielding’ Engineering Classification of Rock and Rock Masses! 33!! Determining the modulus of elasticity E t50! Plotting E t50 value of a rock vs the unconfined compressive strength gives a
Read MoreThis rock has a very definite discontinuous planar anisotropy superimposed on mineral lineation. As a first step, ultrasonic measurements were carried out to determine the main structural axes. The dynamic moduli of elasticity can be calculated if the velocities of the compressional and shear waves are known.
Read MoreMODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF A ROCK OBTAINED FROM THE MODULI OF ELASTICITY OF ITS CONSTITUENTS. Studies (based on two examples) show that close agreement exists between the modulus of elasticity given by the weighted harmonic mean calculated from the moduli of elasticity of the mineral constituents of the rock (the weights being the percentages in which the menerals occur).
Read More2019-7-30 elasticity modulus ( ). e GEP model was found to produce the most accurate calculation of . e proposed approach is a simple, nondestructive, and practical way to determine for anisotropic and heterogeneous rocks. 1. Introduction Strength and deformation features play an important role in the design of rock structures []. e elasticity modulus
Read More2020-8-14 The Young’s modulus of a rock can decrease significantly after a heat treatment 4,5,6,15,16,17,18, which is mainly due to internal microcracking activities 22,23. As
Read More2019-7-31 rock; 0, 1,and 2 are the elasticity modulus of soil-rock mixture, soil, and rock, respectively; is the radius of rock; and isthesum ofthethickness ofthesoilandtheradiusof rock. According to the deformation compatibility conditions and total strain energy equivalence principle, the e ective elasticmodulusofcomposite 0 canbecalculatedasfollows: 0 ...
Read MoreDetermination of Young’s Modulus by Specific Vibration of. The elasticity is an important parameter for the evaluation of the mechanical behavior of a rock mass and a fundamental factor in the definition of the resistance characteristics, stability, and blastability in rock blasts, and it is an important parameter for the blastability equations like the Kuz–Ram method.
Read More2021-6-2 and modulus of elasticity of the rock mass of individual rock layers within a distance of 2B below the shaft tip. v. b = average poisson’s ratio for rock mass providing tip resistance . Axial Capacity of Drilled Shafts in Rock. Oct. 2016 Page 7 . λ. 1 = -β + β ...
Read More2015-2-13 Intact rock strength . The uniaxial compressive strength of a rock material constitutes the highest strength limit of the rock mass of which it forms a part. It is determined in accordance with the standard laboratory procedures. For the purpose of rock mass classification, the use of the well -known point load strength index can be useful as the
Read MoreModulus of Elasticity (Young’s Modulus) Homopolymer 183,000 psi 1,300 MPa Copolymer 155,000 psi 1,100 MPa Poisson’s Ratio 0.42 0.42 Hardness Shore D Scale 55 – 65 55 – 65 Rockwell R Scale Homopolymers 80 - 110 80 - 110 Random and Impact Copolymers 45 - 95 45 - 95 Coefficient of Friction, Plastics to Steel ...
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الصين -تشنغ تشو -المنطقة الوطنية للتنمية الصناعية للتكنولوجيا المتطورة، جادة العلوم رقم 169.