موقعك الحالي:صفحة رئيسية>المنتجات
2001-8-27 The magnetic field, the electron density, and the ion velocities in a multispecies plasma conducting a high fast-rising current are determined using simultaneous spectroscopic measurements. It is found that ion separation occurs in which a light-ion plasma is pushed ahead while a heavy-ion plasma lags behind the magnetic piston. We show that most of the momentum imparted by the magnetic field pressure is taken by the reflected light ions, and most of the dissipated magnetic field
Read More2015-10-1 An approach combining the conventional Ion Beam Sputtering process with a magnetic separator in order to remove these particles from film growth is presented. The separator provides a bent axial magnetic field that guides the material flux towards the substrate positioned at the exit of the separator.
Read MoreVOLUME 87, NUMBER 11 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 10SEPTEMBER 2001 Ion Separation due to Magnetic Field Penetration into a Multispecies Plasma A.
Read More2001-9-1 The magnetic field, the electron density, and the ion velocities in a multispecies plasma conducting a high fast-rising current are determined using simultaneous spectroscopic measurements. It is found that ion separation occurs in which a light-ion plasma is pushed ahead while a heavy-ion plasma lags behind the magnetic piston.
Read MoreThus, the two processes, magnetic field penetration and ion separation, are closely linked, and occur simultaneously. Since very often plasmas in opening switches and in other pulsed devices are multi-ions with ion-composition nonuniformity, our analysis shows that magnetic field penetration is a much more general process that has been ...
Read More2000-7-1 adshelp[at]cfa.harvard.edu The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AC86A
Read MoreSimilarly to the magnetic analyzer, ion separation is based on the circular motion of a charged species in a magnetic field in ICR instruments as well. The difference is that in the ICR, ions undergo several full cycles in the ICR cell.
Read More2003-12-2 The magnetic separation was investigated for Co 2+ (9500 × 10-6 cm 3 mol-1) and Fe 3+ (14600 × 10-6 cm 3 mol-1) ions and for Cr 3+ (6200 × 10-6 cm 3 mol-1) and Al 3+ (−2 × 10-6 cm 3 mol-1) ions. The metal ion solutions were spotted on a silica gel support, and exposed to a magnetic field of 410 kOe 2 cm-1 intensity × gradient.
Read MoreMagnetic sector instruments, in which ion separation is achieved by passage through a magnetic field, allow high-resolution spectra to be acquired for the calculation of elemental compositions. Although maximum scan speeds are lower than with quadrupole-based systems, as the result of magnetic hysteresis, they are sufficient for most applications.
Read More2007-2-13 sponding trajectories in the magnetic field are thereforc spatially separated. Moreover, because the average charge ij of the ion depends on the atomic number Z and is roughly proportional to its velocity, the average magnetic rigidity «Bp) ex:mv/q) is almost independent of the velocity distribution of the ions; lhe ~2,1JS1
Read More2015-10-1 Towards a magnetic field separation in Ion Beam Sputtering processes. ... Fig. 1 shows the cross section of the coating plant and the magnetic separation device. The bent separator coil is connected to the outlet of the Transfer coil and prevents a line of
Read MoreA theory is presented that deciphers the puzzle of magnetic field penetration into a multi-ion low-collisionality plasma of an initially nearly uniform electron density observed in recent plasma experiments. It is shown that if the plasma ion composition is nonuniform, then, even if the total electron density is initially uniform, the pushing by the magnetic field generates the electron ...
Read MoreThe magnetic field, the electron density, and the ion velocities in a multispecies plasma conducting a high fast-rising current are determined using simultaneous spectroscopic measurements. It is found that ion separation occurs in which a light-ion plasma is pushed ahead while a heavy-ion plasma lags behind the magnetic piston. We show that most of the momentum imparted by the magnetic field ...
Read MoreMagnetic sector instruments, in which ion separation is achieved by passage through a magnetic field, allow high-resolution spectra to be acquired for the calculation of elemental compositions. Although maximum scan speeds are lower than with quadrupole-based systems, as a result of magnetic hysteresis, they are sufficient for most applications.
Read MoreMagnetic sector instruments, in which ion separation is achieved by passage through a magnetic field, allow high-resolution spectra to be acquired for the calculation of elemental compositions. Although maximum scan speeds are lower than with quadrupole-based systems, as the result of magnetic hysteresis, they are sufficient for most applications.
Read More1989-5-1 In the gas-filled magnetic field region, the discrete trajec tories corresponding to the different charge states coalesce around a trajectory defined by the mean charge state of the ion in the gas. broadening due to the angular and energy loss straggling. Some more recent applications of gas-filled magnetic separation are given in refs. [4-6].
Read More2007-2-13 Heavy ion separation (0) Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the trajectories followed by heavy ions in a magnetic field region: (a) in vacuum; (b) in a gas. In the gas-filled magnetic field region, the discrete trajec tories corresponding to the different charge states coalesce around a trajectory defined by the mean" charge state of the ion ...
Read More2014-12-8 @article{osti_22395482, title = {Magnetic separation of Dy(III) ions from homogeneous aqueous solutions}, author = {Pulko, B., E-mail: [email protected] and Yang, X. and Lei, Z. and Odenbach, S. and Eckert, K., E-mail: [email protected]}, abstractNote = {The possibility to enrich paramagnetic dysprosium(III) ions in a magnetic field gradient is proved by means of ...
Read More2007-10-1 The magnetic chromatograph (MC) system is one of the promising methods for ion separation because of its strong magnetic field gradients. We have been developing the MC system to separate the fine particles and ions, and have also developed the numerical analysis computer code based on fluid dynamics and electromagnetism to investigate the separating characteristics and
Read MoreMagnetic separation is an industrial process where ferromagnetic contaminants are recovered from materials on the production line. Manufacturers use this to extract useful metal, separate recycling, purify materials, and perform a wide variety of other tasks. Manufacturers of magnetic separation
Read MoreMagnetic Field Ion Separation. The Ni 58 ion strikes the photographic plate 0 28 m from the point P at which the ion beam enters the ion separator Calculate: (i) the magnetic flux density of the field in the ion separator (3 marks) (ii) the separation of the positions where the two isotopes hit the photographic plate
Read MoreIt is shown that a curved magnetic field can be used to separate ions in a multicomponent plasma. Without selective ion preheating, the separation over one cycle is inefficient: the separated ion fractions will only be enriched with ions of the corresponding isotopes. Selective ion cyclotron resonance heating makes it possible to achieve essentially a complete separation of the ions.
Read MoreMagnetic sector instruments, in which ion separation is achieved by passage through a magnetic field, allow high-resolution spectra to be acquired for the calculation of elemental compositions. Although maximum scan speeds are lower than with quadrupole-based systems, as a result of magnetic hysteresis, they are sufficient for most applications.
Read MoreOSTI.GOV Journal Article: ISOTOPE SEPARATION BY IONIC EXPANSION IN A MAGNETIC FIELD. ISOTOPE SEPARATION BY IONIC EXPANSION IN A MAGNETIC FIELD. Full Record; Other Related Research; Authors: Slepian, J Publication Date: Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 EDT 1955 Research Org.:
Read MoreIt is shown that if the phase difference between oscillating electric and magnetic field is judiciously chosen, particles are accelerated. Moreover, the direction of acceleration depends on the particle mass, so that species of different mass are accelerated in opposite directions. Two configurations are addressed. One configuration is of a linearly-polarized electric and magnetic fields.
Read MorePresented results have been obtained to develop the concept of spent nuclear fuel plasma separation. The main task is to calculate trajectories of ions of the substance imitating spent nuclear fuel in crossed electric and magnetic fields. The 3D calculations have been made by the KARAT code in a single-particle approximation. The calculations have been performed for a number of combinations of ...
Read More2013-6-3 OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Towards an electro-magnetic field separation of deposited material implemented in an ion beam sputter process
Read MoreThe U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Read MoreNowadays, Ion Beam Sputter (IBS) processes are very well optimized on an empirical basis. To achieve further progresses, a modification of the IBS process by guiding the coating material using an axial magnetic field and an additional electrical field has been studied. The electro-magnetic (EM) field leads to a significant change in plasma properties and deposition rate distributions, whereas ...
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